
Begin your journey of tranformation

Sophia has been empowering individuals for more than two decades on their path towards a fulfilling and purposeful life. By addressing past traumas, releasing limiting beliefs, and reestablishing the connection between the mind, body, and spirit, Sophia enables you to gain a profound understanding of yourself. This allows you to be present in the moment, quiet your overactive mind, and experience a sense of calm and grounding, ultimately leading to the creation of a joyful, prosperous, and purposeful life that resonates with you.


About Sophia

For more than two decades, Sophia has dedicated herself to being a healer and spiritual teacher, assisting numerous clients and students in their personal transformations. With her exceptional psychic abilities and intuition, Sophia has the power to elevate and empower your life.


Acquire practical tools and techniques that can be applied to your daily life, ranging from Reiki, Crystal Healing, and Breathwork, to Meditation and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

Private Sessions

Experience deep healing and transformation in private sessions with Sophia. Whether it is past traumas, abuse, illness, relationship issues, past lives, Sophia has developed her skills in various techniques around the world and uses her intuition to tailor her approach to your unique needs.

Meditation, Reiki, Breathwork, EFT, Crystals & More...

Since I met Sophia, my life has changed completely for the better. From being a complete control freak, having anxiety and worrying about everything and having my set ways of thinking, I now go with the flow and know that the universe has my best interest at heart. Life has become a lot easier.

Monique Strauss

Monique Strauss

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Begin your journey of transformation

Get in touch to find out how Sophia can help you transform your life.

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